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Weekly Update #3: Boosting Team's Productivity

We just released a feature to enable teams to work even faster.

New Feature Release: Save Pages As Presets

Previously, team members we able to save components as presets but not entire pages. We have just released a new feature which enables marketers to save entire pages as presets. This not only speeds up marketer's workflows but also developer's workflows, as marketers no longer need to ask developers to duplicate pages. This is a win-win for all team members to work more efficiently in their preferred environments.

Learn more about presets

Upcoming Events

We have two upcoming events to check out. We will be hosting a meetup at CFE on January 11th, covering the challenges of a modern CMS. Some form of CMS solution is a requirement for nearly any modern website. Choosing the right one can be difficult to the point that my advice to companies used to be, "Just pick one, you'll hate it in a year anyway." We will explore common challenges with content-driven architecture, and how to choose a CMS that balances both flexibility and productivity.

We will also be hosting a webinar with our friends at DatoCMS on January 12th. We will be covering the benefits and best practices of headless CMS. A headless CMS like DatoCMS is a huge step forward in separating code from content and allowing each to be updated separately. Adding Stackbit as an editing "head" allows marketers and business people to intuitively edit visually in-place, on top of any custom setup with a single config file and no added dependencies. We will also be sharing a demo of a project that uses both DatoCMS and Stackbit.

Sign-up for CFE Meetup

Sign-up for DatoCMS Webinar

Learning In Public Series

Have you checked out our new Learning In Public series? In this series we will be diving into Stackbit features and technology. During our latest episode, we dive into how to add Stackbit to your project as we remove the "magic" and focus more on the technical aspects.

Watch here

Pricing Plans Update

We have updated our pricing plans! Under the Free Tier, we are now offering you to bring in any headless CMS to your project. Previously it was only Git CMS. We also have updated the Team Tier, which is a great option for small teams or startups.

Read more on pricing